
Showing posts from August, 2022

Artist Impression


Stone Shopping!

Ancaster Weatherbed Limestone Quarry, Grantham, UK. Looking for the right stone for the job…..

Redrow News


Making the model - Developing the concept

  Fragments; vessels; dwellings; Family group; conversations; framing; windows; form; woodland, shelter……..

Back to school - Carving out a future

Learning and sharing new skills with a new generation of artists at Langley Park Primary Academy. Stone carving - relief carving and the transfer of 2D drawings into 3D sculptures. Working with the concept of pottery fragments from the dig at Monchelsea place into modern day equivalents - pot plants - house plants and modern day use of terracotta pots.

History of a Sculpture

Concepts, designs and editing! Where the ideas begin and the process of linking the history of the site to the function and use of the space with the people who will use it. I was drawn to the woodland in the distance, the sence of habitation for both wildlife and people. The domesticated fragments of pottery (both historically and modern day use) notions of 'nesting' 'dwelling' 'windows', 'trenches', 'family grouping' and a place / space which evokes 'calm, security and play'.  The Monchelsea Place site has had an archaeological dig take place prior to the development of the land for family housing.  The archaeological evaluation undertaken  by Swale & Thames Survey Company (SWAT Archaeology) has been successful in identifying the presence of ditches, pits, postholes and a possible ‘trample layer’ associated with the Iron Age and Roman-British periods. Archaeological features were recorded in 14 trenches out of the 48 excavated. Find